

55 days old and there are lots of little zucchini's growing. These plants all look so different but all 3 have flowers.

The big one on the left, and the one in the middle were started from seed (on the same day!), the one on the right I bought a few weeks ago.

(click pictures to enlarge)


Man, strawberries love my dirt! They are growing so well.

These are 3 of the plants that I planted a while ago. As you can see, the one on the right has a bunch of runners that are turning into more plants.

I planted 12 more plants 2 weeks ago. They were dormant and bare root and they already have flowers!


We've harvested several cherry tomatoes already.
The 1st one is a cherry tomato plant that I started from seed (with a better boy in the background). The 2nd is a beefmaster. The 3rd picture is a cherry tomato plant (with corn in the background).


55 days old. You can see some carrot sprouts on the right side of the first picture. Somehow those ended up all over. =)


I don't know what's up with my serano peppers. They should've been ready to harvest by now but it hasn't even flowered.

In this pot I have Serano peppers, basil, chives, and scattered around oregano (thanks to a 2 year old that like to play in dirt). The picture on the right is mainly basil.


Our first ripe tomato

And it sure was yummy! May 9th for a first tomato. Not too shabby eh???
The other cherry tomato plant is about to have some ready too.
The beefmaster tomatoes look like they are going to be huge.



All 6 plants have tomatoes now. =D
I can't believe how fast the big tomato plants are growing!
One of my littles guys is about to be ready, and the other one has tons of tomatoes.

Sugar Snap Peas

I thought it had gotten too hot for these and then all of a sudden they flowered!

Bell Pepper

This pepper gets bigger by the hour!


Nothing exciting at all.
The one with the big leaves I started from seed.
The other one I bought as a plant.

Herbs and Serano

Chives are on the left, basil is in the front, and the serano plant is in the back right. It still hasn't flowered. =S