
Our Soccer Star

Brennen started Soccer this year and is really enjoying it.
Isn't he cute!!??

My sweet Connor

On the way to school today Connor said "I have the greatest mom I could ever want." and of course Brennen chimed in with "Me too!"
Why can't they stay sweet and little forever!!!???


Seeds are started

I finally got my seeds in the mail from Burpee yesterday.
I started the bell peppers and tomatoes.
EG=Early Girl
BB= Big Boy
PP= Patio Princess

I'll wait until April 1st to plant the cucumbers and green beans outside.


Its almost spring!

Ok, so my garden burned up in July last year. This year I decided to put all my veggies in containers. The strawberries will stay in the ground since they are already there. I ordered my seeds from Burpee last week. Last year I used all cheapy seeds. Hopefully this year, using containers, good "dirt", and good seeds, I will have more luck than I did last year.