(click picture to enlarge)
Something strange happened. I must've dropped a few serano pepper seeds in the bag of potting soil. They look way better than the ones I planted in the pots, and the sprouts in the bag didn't even have water or sun! What is up with that??? Imagine my surprise when I opened the bag. lol
I planted the Roses on Monday, and today I added the brick and the mulch. It's hard work!
I still have one more rose bush that I am waiting on, that's why it isn't totally done yet. I bought 5 different colors; white, orange, double delight (half red, half white), red, and blue (which is more like lavendar.) I sure hope they all live!
I also planted sugar snap pea seeds and 6 strawberry plants. Oh and I stuck one of my tomato plants outside to see what would happen. If it dies, oh well.
I also planted 3 tiny hydrangeas. I have a ton more on the way.
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