
The Rose Race

Tropicana still has a giant lead on the other four.


15 days old.


15 days old.


6 days old. awwww!


I just love these guys. I think they are soooo cute!!!

27 days old.



The radishes started popping up today!


I planted a new packet of seeds today. Days to germination is only 7-10 days, so something definitely went wrong with the last packet.



Here we have chives, basil, and oregano (on the other side of the basil). Still no cilantro!!! I think I got a bad pack of seeds or something. :S


I love the purple ones.


One of the plants has a flower!

Bell Peppers

I have 2 greens, and 2 reds.


Serano Peppers

39 days since planting seeds. Slow pokes!

Layout so far

Here is what we have so far. There is only one row of corn right now, I'm trying to space them out so we get corn over a period of time. I also need to plant my serano plant once it is big enough. Oh and I also planted a few baby watermelon seeds in front of the bell peppers.


My baby is in the ground! Actually both of them are. I also planted three others . A Big Boy and a Beefmaster and something else, I think. The first one is one of the ones I started from seed (7 weeks since planting seed), and the other one is a new one.


I hear Artichokes are hard to grow. But with as often as we eat them and as expensive as they are, I figured it was worth a shot.

Day 1 plant.


23 days since planting dormant bareroot plants.

Sugar Snap Peas

23 days since planting the seeds.


Seeds and Plants

Today I planted Zucchini, radishs, onions, green beans, carrots, corn and watermelon (sugar baby.) I'm going to plant 3 more rows of corn but I want to do them all about 10 days apart.

I also planted an artichoke plant, 2 green bell peppers, 2 red bell peppers and 5 tomato plants (including the ones I started from seed!)

So at this point we are growing...

Bell Peppers
Serano Peppers

Wish me luck!!!



The oregano, chives, and basil have all sprouted. Still no cilantro. =S


Mini Tomatoes

These tomato plants I've been talking about were actually a kit from wal mart. All it said on it was "Mini Tomatoes", so I really have no idea what they are. They are moving right along though. We have flowers now. =)


Yep, I said corn. I wanted to see if it would grow inside, and it did.

I'm guessing it won't survive being transplanted, but it's a fun experiment anyway. =D


Sugar Snap Peas

Aren't they cute? I think this is about 12 days since planting the seeds.


My tropicana (orange) roses have the most growth so far. There are a bunch of little leaves all over it.


Today I planted oregano, chives, and basil in one big pot. I separated it into 3rds with 2 pieces of cardboard. I want that to be their permanent home so that I can bring it inside when it gets cold. I hope it works!
I'm STILL waiting on the cilantro to pop up.



All of the strawberry plants look good now. =D
The peas are growing super fast!!!
Still waiting on the cilantro.

One of the rose bushes is getting leaves, and it looks like another one is about to too.



Can't forget the good ol tomatoes. Seems like just yesterday they were born..........
(click pictures to enlarge)

The one I planted outside is a goner. We had a giant wind storm and it wasn't strong enough to survive.

I wonder what happens to gardens during hurricanes???????? I transplanted this tomato plant AGAIN. I've also been putting it outside during the day. The other one I haven't transplanted yet and it's looking really sad.

The serano peppers are doing well too. Still waiting for the cilantro to sprout!


So far I have 3 of these planted and a ton more on the way. This one looks good. The other two don't look that great so far. (But I'm trying to be patient.)

Royal Paulownia Trees

I planted 2 of these today and I'm waiting for one more to arrive. They supposedly grow 10 feet a year and have really pretty purple flowers in the spring.

I guess I'll be taking a lot of pictures of this one to see how fast it really does grow. Right now all it is is a couple of leaves! lol I put a few rocks around them for now so we know where they are.


I planted these in front of my house today. There are 12 of them. I know they don't look like much of anything right now. lol

Actually a couple of them already have a flower but they didn't look all that great.


Here is what the strawberry plants look like. 4 of them look good and 2 of them don't look like much at all. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to get strawberries from them this year or not.


The peas sprouted. They are so cute! lol (At least I think they are peas, and not weeds.)
I got my pansies and 2 of my paulownia trees. SO I'm going to try to get those in today.
I planted some cilantro seeds inside a couple days ago, and bought some more herb seeds.
I think I'm going to try planting them all in one big pot. ???


The Roses are in...

(click picture to enlarge)

Something strange happened. I must've dropped a few serano pepper seeds in the bag of potting soil. They look way better than the ones I planted in the pots, and the sprouts in the bag didn't even have water or sun! What is up with that??? Imagine my surprise when I opened the bag. lol

I planted the Roses on Monday, and today I added the brick and the mulch. It's hard work!

I still have one more rose bush that I am waiting on, that's why it isn't totally done yet. I bought 5 different colors; white, orange, double delight (half red, half white), red, and blue (which is more like lavendar.) I sure hope they all live!
I also planted sugar snap pea seeds and 6 strawberry plants. Oh and I stuck one of my tomato plants outside to see what would happen. If it dies, oh well.
I also planted 3 tiny hydrangeas. I have a ton more on the way.


More than just tomatoes!

Well my Serrano peppers sprouted. Woohoo! I may have already mentioned it, but I use them in my salsa and the stupid grocery store here doesn't carry them, so they'll come in handy. =D

Hubby finally tilled the garden area today. It's just about ready for me to plant some corn and peas! He tilled the spot for my rose bushes too. They got here on Thursday so I will plant them this week!

And while I'm at, how about a picture of the trusty tomatoes. =D They are growing so fast! They are like more little babies to me, I love watching them grow. I swear it seems like they look different every day!