
The boys' recognition awards-

Brennen was voted "Best at science" by his classmates.
Connor's teacher awarded him "Most Inquisitive."

Last year Connor got "Future NASA scientist" and the year before he got "Most Scientific."

I love my little scientists!!!


House pics

The Realtor was here today. The ball is rolling. Hopefully it rolls fast!

Not too thrilled with these 3 pics...


First harvest

June 1st
5 Cucumbers


My name is Makenna Digi-scrap page...

Brennen in stitches- round 2.

Brennen just learned to ride his bike a few days ago, and last night her fell off and cut his head.
He ended up needing 4 stitches this time. When he walked in the door with dad after he fell, I almost had a heart attack. His WHOLE face was cover in blood! The ER Doc said it looked like he cut an artery. He got right back on his bike as soon as he got home from the ER!
About a year and a half ago he got stitches in his chin when he fell on the playground at school.


May 25th

Looking pretty good, but it looks like some kind of bug has been munching on the leaves.

Big Boy Tomato-
Very leafy, but not a lot of tomatoes.

Early Girl Tomato-
Can't complain about this one at all! Very fruitful and growing like a weed.

Patio Princess tomato-

This little princess is doing great!


Believe it or not I'm having zucchini problems. It looks like there are a bunch of them getting ready to grow, but the leaves look HORRIBLE. I have no idea what the problem is. Should I cut the bad leaves off?

These are growing nicely but also have really bad looking leaves. What to do???

Sun and Sand Digi-Scrap page

Click to enlarge


Makenna gave herself a haircut

It was just starting to get thick and long too. Now it's all thin and choppy! =(
Good thing mommy makes clippies because I'm not chopping it off.


Brennen Brag!

I just talked to Brennen's teacher on the phone. She was telling me how they've been doing DRA reading tests this week. Brennen scored a 32, (Which she said is the highest score you can get in 1st grade.) and he got the highest score in the class! So according to this chart he's at a mid-3rd grade level. Go Brenny Bear!!!

DRA Continuum of On-Grade Equivalent

Grade Equivalent


Late K

Early 1st

Late 1st

Early 2nd

Late 2nd

Early 3rd

Late 3rd

Above 3rd

DRA Level











May 13th

The plants have changed a lot since my last post 2 weeks ago!
(Click pictures to enlarge)


Typical Connor

Every so often I remind the boys that they can talk to me about anything and I ask them if they have any questions. So this morning Connor says "Actually I do have a question..... Why is Venus the hottest planet if Mercury is the closest to the sun?" LOL!!! I have no clue about any of that so I told him I'd have to do some research. Then I told him I love his brain and he said "Yeah because I'm left handed, and left handed people are smarter." =D



The garden seems to be doing well! You can click the images to enlarge them.

Red rose bush. I dusted them last night, that's why they are all white looking.

White rose bush

Tropicana rose

Zucchini- These were planted later than everything else.

Patio Princess tomato

Patio Princess buds

Cucumber- I need to thin these out soon

Big Boy tomato

Green beans

Early Girl tomato

Early Girl flowers

3 of the 6 Hibiscus plants have started coming back. =D

Mini rose bush- these are going crazy, I can't wait until they all bloom!