
Makenna's Haircut

Her new favorite face.  Kinda scary eh?

And she wanted some jumping pictures...


Neat picture of Annie

I just happened to be right there with the camera, and thought this would make a cute picture.

Gave up on seeds

My tomato seeds were doing NOTHING, so we bought some plants.  I can't remember what I planted in the blue container.  It's either, cucumber, zucchini, honeydew, or watermelon.  I hope it's cucumber, because we eat them like they are going out of style.  Next to that is red bell pepper.  In the middle is early girl, and beefsteak. In the small pot is patio tomato, and next to that is roma.


Roma.  Already has 5 tomatoes!  I could swear they were not there when I planted it on Saturday.

A little helper-

Mystery plant

Bell Pepper.  I don't have much luck with these.

Early Girl


What they think of me...

Makenna, almost 5:

1. What is something Mommy always says to you?
"You're welcome."

2. What makes Mommy happy?

3. What makes Mommy sad?
"I don't know"

4. How does your Mommy make you laugh?
"By tickling me."

5. What was your Mommy like as a child?
"Long hair, maybe."

6. How old is your Mommy?

8. What is her favorite thing to do?

9. What does your Mommy do when you're not around?
"I don't know"

10. If your Mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
"Long hair."

11. What is your Mommy really good at?

12. What is your Mommy not very good at?
"Coloring"    WHATEVER!

13. What does your Mommy do for her job?

14. What is your Mommy's favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of your Mommy?
"Playing hopscotch"

16. If your Mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?

17. What do you and your Mommy do together?

18. How are you and your Mommy the same?
"We can both see"

19. How are you and your Mommy different?
"Mommy plants more."

20. How do you know your Mommy loves you?
"Because we share stuff."

21. Where is your Mommy's favorite place to go?
"To the store."

Connor. age 9:

1. What is something Mommy always says to you?

2. What makes Mommy happy?
"Your kids being safe"

3. What makes Mommy sad?
"That your kids aren't babies anymore."

4. How does your Mommy make you laugh?
"Saying funny things."

5. What was your Mommy like as a child?
"Like us"

6. How old is your Mommy?

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
"Hang out with her friends or kids."

9. What does your Mommy do when you're not around?
"Make cards."

10. If your Mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
"Being rich."

11. What is your Mommy really good at?
"Making cards."

12. What is your Mommy not very good at?
"You're not really good at jumping."

13. What does your Mommy do for her job?
"You don't have a job."   =O

14. What is your Mommy's favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of your Mommy?
"You're so nice."

16. If your Mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?
"I have no clue."

17. What do you and your Mommy do together?

18. How are you and your Mommy the same?
"We both have brown eyes"

19. How are you and your Mommy different?
"We are not the same age."

20. How do you know your Mommy loves you?
"Because you always hug me."

21. Where is your Mommy's favorite place to go?

 Brennen, age 7:

1. What is something Mommy always says to you?
"That she loves me"

2. What makes Mommy happy?
"Me and Rosie and Connor being good"

3. What makes Mommy sad?
"When I'm sassy"

4. How does your Mommy make you laugh?
"Tickling me"

5. What was your Mommy like as a child?
"Really good, and sometimes bad."

6. How old is your Mommy?

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
"To play with her children."

9. What does your Mommy do when you're not around?
"Goes on the computer."

10. If your Mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
"For being the greatest parent in the world."        AWWWWWW!

11. What is your Mommy really good at?
"Taking care of us."

12. What is your Mommy not very good at?
"Video games."

13. What does your Mommy do for her job?
"Take care of us."

14. What is your Mommy's favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of your Mommy?
"Feeding us at the right time."  lmao

16. If your Mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?
"A really silly little girl that is always bad."

17. What do you and your Mommy do together?
"Eat dinner."

18. How are you and your Mommy the same?
"We are both shy."

19. How are you and your Mommy different?
"I'm a boy and you're a girl."

20. How do you know your Mommy loves you?
"Because I'm cute and also I'm responsible and the best worker in the house.

21. Where is your Mommy's favorite place to go?
"Panera Bread."

Last Years answers- http://littlethingskroening.blogspot.com/2009/04/what-they-think-of-me-so-funny.html


All of our plants

The kids and I really love watching our plants grow. Cacti and succulents are so inexpensive and hearty, it makes it hard to not buy a ton of them. Brennen and Makenna even talk to them like they are puppies or something. LOL!

So I wanted to take pictures of all of them so we can see how much they have grown in a few months.
This first bunch are the ones we bought when we first got here in August.  They have grown a lot!

This guy looked much happier a couple weeks ago.  I thought he'd like it outside, but obviously it was a little too chilly for him.  So he's back inside now.  (Ok, I talk about them like they are puppies too, lol)  I think this cactus has grown the most.  It used to have boobies, now it has arms. lol

This Aloe has grown a TON too.  The plants we got in august came in little 2" containers when we bought them.

Brennen picked this one out.

This one is Connor's.  It's spikey things have gotten much longer since we bought it in August.

Makenna picked this one.  She pulled a lot of the little things out when we first got it.  I stuck two of them in the flower bed yesterday.  Think they'll grow?

Ok, so that's it for the August plants.

This next set we got in December.  The fuzzy round one is growing cute little pink flowers!  As you can see, I plant our plants in anything that can hold dirt. lol

This one is just adorable.  See it growing that new little arm?

These two are the most boring.  They don't do much.

We just got these cuties last night.  They always have the cutest names.  From left to right- E.T.'s Fingers, Bear Paws, Pink Butterflies, Little Jewel.  Cute huh?????  Makes you want to buy them even more! lol

Here is the flower bed I planted yesterday.  I raked the rocks away and put down some soil.  There is a pink rose bush in the middle.  I also planted Painted Daisies, and Tall Phlox.  Obviously, you can't see anything yet. I need to find something to border it.  Brinks or something.

This is a hummingbird/butterfly mix freebie that I got with some veggie seeds I ordered.  Makenna planted these seeds.

This is another flower freebie.  I forget what it's called.  I got them with an Old Navy order, of all things.  The rocks are only in there because the kids like to throw rocks and some must've landed in there. lol

And veggies.  I planted these seeds like a month ago!  It's going to get really warm this week, so maybe they  will finally sprout.  Cucumbers, Zucchini, Bell Peppers, and 4 different tomatoes.

The Patio Princess Tomato is the only one that has sprouted.


Snacky Kids

I don't know about you, but I have extremely snacky kids.  I got tired of hearing "Im hungry, what is there to eat, can I have a snack, will you make me something." ETC...!

So I wash, cut, and divide up all the snacks into little baggies as soon as I get home from the store.  I put them in little baskets, and they know right where to go if they want a snack. It's easier for me and fun for the kids.  I'm very lucky to have kids that love fruits and veggies.  Having these snacks right at their fingertips is helpful for having them eat even MORE fruits and veggies.
This week is apples, bananas, oranges, cucumbers, strawberries, carrots, celery, pretzels, peanuts, and a nut/berry mix.  YES, they LOVE this stuff!  =D  They also have yogurt and cheese in the fridge.  Another plus is that it's super easy to grab a snack to take with us when we are leaving the house.

Blog Link- http://littlethingskroening.blogspot.com/


Girls best friend

Beginning of 2010 Garden

I've had no luck at gardening the past 3 years.  Perhaps it was too wet and buggy in North Carolina???  No wet and no bugs here in the desert, so we'll see how it goes this year.

These are 4 different tomato plants and a bell pepper plant.  I found the containers at Ikea.
Still have a few more things to plant.

These are flowers.  A butterfly and humingbid mix.  The hummingbirds around here are PIGS.  We're always filling the hummingbird feeder.

I really suck at this

Ok, so obviously the 'picture a day thing' just doesn't work for me.  So I'm just posting a picture whenever the heck I feel like it. lol

I also combined 3 blogs- kids, picture a day, and garden.  They are all here now.  =)


Our weekend Vegas trip

We all had a great time in Las Vegas.  Here's a little summary-

Friday Afternoon-  School was canceled because of the flooding so we left around 1ish.  Got gas, lunch, money, and headed out. 

We stayed at the Hilton in Henderson (15 mins from LV) because my dad has two permanent rooms there.  It was really really nice.  My dad got there about an hour after we did and then we all headed to the airport to pick up my mom.  After that we went to a fancy Italian Restaurant.  They were pretty slow, but the food was delish.  Once we were done there we went back to the hotel and had a slumber party, complete with pillow fights.  We went to bed late.

Saturday- Woke up late and had a fabulous breakfast at the hotel.  All of the people there were so nice, plus my dad practically lives there so we all got special attention.  =)   Then it was off to the Luxor!  The kids and I are big Criss Angel fans, so his shop was our first stop.

All I bought was a deck of cards.  To be honest I was just happy to be walking on the same floor Criss Angel had walked on. LOL
We walked around for a while just to take in all the sights.  The kids were in awe. =)

Then we made our way to Mandalay  Bay.  This image that was projected on the wall rippled anytime you touched it or got close to it.  The kids had fun running back and forth in front of it.

Speaking of Shark Reef, that was our next stop.  This alligator was light yellow.  Makenna is holding an "audio guide."

We saw TONS of cool things at Shark Reef.  WAY cooler than the NC Aquarium. lol

When we were done there, we are all literally "DONE".  So we went back to the room for a nap.  After our nap it was time for dinner.  We decided on Red Lobster because my  kids looooooooooooooove crab legs.  We finished up there and went over to the Sunset casino.  Grandma and Granpa took the kids to the arcade and the hubby and I went to lose a little money on slots.  I lost $30, he lost $20. 

Then back to the hotel for another slumber party.  We stopped at the hotel bar when we got back.  The kids got Shirley Temples.  =)

Sunday morning we had another wonderful breakfast at the hotel and then went back to the Sunset for some bowling.  They have a 71 lane bowling alley.  It was HUGE!

Daddy got 1st place, and Connor got 2nd!  I was dead last.

After bowling we went back to the hotel and got all our stuff packed up.  It was time to go home.  It was a great weekend!

I took these pictures on the way home.  Generally, the Desert isn't the most gorgeous place in the world, but sometimes the views are breathtaking.


This is what the middle of nowhere looks like...

This was a dry lake bed before the flooding...

Both sides of the highway.

Almost home...